Magellan Healthcare
Provider Focus Newsletter
News & information for Magellan network providers

region/plan-specific news : Commercial Health Plans (not in California)

Members' experience remains positive overall, with some areas noted for improvement

Magellan staff managing services for members in commercial health plans (excluding California) recently analyzed results of our annual satisfaction survey, sent to a subset of members who accessed care in the prior year. The results for providers and Magellan were mixed, with some areas showing positive responses and some areas indicating opportunities for improvement.

We are committed to listening to our members and have identified opportunities for increasing their satisfaction in the areas of getting needs met, choice of healthcare providers, and convenience of care.

Our goal is to achieve an overall member satisfaction rate of at least 85%. Aggregate satisfaction rates display below. Directional arrows represent trend from the prior year.

2022 member satisfaction by plan type


Commercial/Exchange Members 

Medicare Members

Overall satisfaction 



Plan coverage 



Accessibility of services 



Service of providers and office staff 



Pleasant experience working with Magellan staff/systems



Magellan’s effectiveness at meeting your needs



Ease of getting what you needed




What you can do to improve members' satisfaction with access and getting needs met

  • Review your policies/procedures to identify any unintentional processes or factors that may cause delays in accepting new patients.
  • Identify barriers (in office settings and community) related to access and use quality improvement processes (such as Plan-Do-Study-Act) to test changes in community collaboration, communication, screenings, appointment setting, follow-up and care planning.
  • Set an appointment during a patient’s and/or referral source’s first call to your office.
  • Offer a hybrid approach to treatment with in-person and virtual (telehealth) options.
  • Use language services.
  • Collaborate with primary care providers to screen and identify patient needs prior to a crisis.
  • Work with local and state boards of mental health and medical health care systems to participate in a central database for real-time access awareness.
  • Keep practice data up to date via, including contact and appointment availability information.


What you can do to improve members' happiness with healthcare provider choices and convenience of care1, 2

  • Encourage member health literacy through:
    • Clear communication.
    • The teach-back method, to ensure understanding.
    • Shared decision making.
    • Easy to use platforms for members to access electronic health information.
    • Evidence-based resources to support members’ self-management.
  • Apply motivational interviewing strategies.
  • Encourage support system involvement.
  • Address concerns at time of visit or call with clear plans to follow up as needed.
  • Review your policies/procedures to identify any areas that may be unintentionally adding delay to receiving information, referrals, office wait time and use of screening tools.




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