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News & information for Magellan network providers
What members want
Taking vacation? Do this before you go...
Licensed in a new state? Let Magellan know promptly
Tap time-saving features on Availity Essentials
Say more, save a life
Help ensure your corrected claims get paid
Identify as a small or minority-owned business?
If you see something, say something
Evidence-based practices in drug and alcohol treatment
Responding to a request for records
Medical necessity criteria updates to occur in November
Share your expertise in Magellan's provider credentialing decisions
region/plan-specific news
Commercial Health Plans (not in California)
Louisiana CSoC
Pennsylvania HealthChoices
Virginia Medicaid
Wyoming CME
region/plan-specific news
Virginia Medicaid
region/plan-specific news : Virginia Medicaid
Visit the
Magellan of Virginia
website for recent communications.