region/plan-specific news
: Commercial Health Plans (not in California)
Do you specialize in maternal mental health? Let us know!
We are expanding our network of providers who support maternal mental health. If you specialize in any of the clinical areas listed below, we invite you to share this information in our provider directory.
Do you specialize in any these maternal mental health areas?
- Comorbid postpartum issues
- Postpartum anxiety
- Postpartum depression
- Postpartum psychosis
- Reproductive psychiatry
By sharing your specialties in Magellan’s provider directory, you help identify—at a glance—the member’s best options for treatment/therapy. Plus, if one of your specialties appears to be compatible with their concern, you increase your chances for getting the referral.
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Are your specialties showing?
As always, if you have any questions concerning your Magellan contract, or this request in particular, contact the Central Provider Relations Network Team at