Magellan Healthcare
Provider Focus Newsletter
News & information for Magellan network providers

region/plan-specific news : Employer Plans Nationwide

Obtaining member agreement and participation in the treatment plan

As an episode of treatment begins, your questions about what has brought the member to therapy, followed by an agreement to move forward together, are key to ensuring that they receive responsive support and services. An essential aspect of this process is documenting — i.e., getting in writing — the member's agreement and participation in treatment planning.

Magellan’s recent treatment record reviews have shown that 26% of providers through the third quarter of 2023 are documenting treatment planning effectively, while the targeted goal is 70%. The following tips and best practices can help you enhance your documentation of member engagement in treatment planning.

Ways to strengthen treatment planning

  • Use a member-centered approach:
    • Engage the member in meaningful discussions about their treatment plan. Involve them in the decision-making process. This fosters a sense of ownership in the treatment process.
  • Ensure member needs are met:
    • Clearly outline the goals and objectives of the treatment plan in plain, understandable language.
    • Make sure the member's preferences, values and goals are reflected in the plan. This demonstrates respect for their unique needs and helps ensure their buy-in.
  • Get member agreement signatures, or note alternatives:
    • Obtain a signature from the member to acknowledge their agreement with the treatment plan. This signifies their active participation and commitment.
    • If a member is unable or unwilling to provide a signature, document the reason for this and any alternative methods used to secure their agreement.
  • Make regular updates:
    • Revisit the treatment plan with members regularly. Document and integrate changes in their needs or preferences as they arise.

Accurate and comprehensive documentation is essential not only for ensuring the best possible care for members but also for regulatory compliance. By incorporating these tips, you'll not only enhance engagement but also help meet our targeted goal for this crucial element during the treatment record review process.

You are welcome to access the Magellan template for treatment planning. Take note of the signature section, preceded by the statement about “patient agreement and participation.”

If you have any questions about documenting the care of your Magellan members, contact Trent Thornton, quality clinical reviewer, at 314-279-7987 or

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