Magellan Healthcare
Provider Focus Newsletter
News & information for Magellan network providers

region/plan-specific news : Louisiana CSoC

Join Magellan for an upcoming All-Provider Call

Topic-driven webinars can aid understanding of CSoC service provision

Magellan of Louisiana conducts topic-driven conference calls/webinars for providers. These calls offer a learning platform that can foster a deeper understanding of the many facets of providing services within the Coordinated System of Care.

You also can listen to previously recorded calls. Select from the left menu on our All Provider Calls webpage.

Got ideas?

If you have a topic in mind for an upcoming provider call, let us know at

2024 MarCom Gold Award Winner 2022 MarCom Gold Award Winner
2021 MarCom Gold Award Winner 2020 MarCom Gold Award Winner

About Provider Focus

Welcome to Provider Focus, our award-winning e-newsletter for network providers! Here you’ll find articles and information to keep you up-to-date on news and topics relevant to serving Magellan members, including a section for regional- and plan-specific news. Check back as a new issue is released each quarter.

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