Magellan Healthcare
Provider Focus Newsletter
News & information for Magellan network providers

region/plan-specific news : Employer Plans Nationwide

EAP providers excel at record keeping overall

Magellan recently completed reviewing 796 employee assistance program (EAP) records spanning the year 2023 to evaluate the quality of record keeping by providers within the Magellan network. This is a comprehensive process whose purpose is to ensure that your documentation for EAP services meets Magellan's standards for completeness and consistency. The records evaluated encompassed both employer and Federal Occupational Health (FOH) EAPs.

The average score across these 796 records was 82.7%, exceeding our target goal of 70%. This positive outcome indicates that Magellan providers generally meet or exceed the expected quality standards for EAP record keeping.

Areas of excellence

Several aspects of the record review demonstrated providers’ outstanding performance, with the following key areas representing exceptionally high results:

  • History, Course, and Duration of the Presenting Problem: Documentation thoroughly addressed the presenting issue - 99.4%.
  • Environment and Home Support: Information about the client's environment and support system was detailed - 98.9%.
  • Client's Strengths and Limitations: Records effectively outlined the client's strengths and areas needing support - 99.6%.
  • Behaviorally Specific and Measurable Goals: Goals and strategies were clearly defined and quantifiable - 99.5%.
  • Record Legibility, Organization, and Flow: Records were legible, well organized and easy to navigate - 99.8%.

Areas for improvement

The review also identified areas requiring additional attention, indicating where providers can make some needed improvements:

  • Statement of Understanding (SOU): 36.3% of the records had a completed and signed SOU.
  • Permission to Contact and Client Contact Information: 48.5% of the records provided clear permission to contact the client or instructions on how to do so.
  • Case Outcome Documentation: 72.2% of the records included adequate documentation of the case outcome.

These insights give us a clear direction for where we can focus our efforts to ensure consistent and thorough documentation for EAP counseling services.

Resources and questions

To obtain additional resources that will support your EAP referrals, you can find Magellan EAP Forms on our website. Although using these forms isn’t mandatory, they can serve as helpful references for your own documentation processes.

If you have any questions about documentation or the EAP record review process, please contact clinical reviewer Trent Thornton at (314) 279-7987 or We are here to help you with any inquiries you have. Thank you for your commitment to delivering quality EAP services for Magellan members!

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