Magellan Healthcare
Provider Focus Newsletter
News & information for Magellan network providers


Help families support kids' healthy habits

Resources you can share for social media, body image and eating disorders

You’ve probably seen the short film Dove released in April. It tells the story of Mary, a young girl whose experience with social media leads to her developing an eating disorder. 

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As you’re no doubt aware, numerous recent studies have correlated social media use among children
and adolescents with increased depression, anxiety, negative body image and other challenges.

Resources for families

You have helpful resources to share with Magellan members you’re serving. Magellan offers you and your clients access to an online library of resources, including topics such as healthy social media use and helping kids develop a healthy body image:

Conduct a keyword search or browse topics today. For a user-friendly print version of a topic or webpage to share with the member, simply click the Advanced Printing Options button at the bottom of the page.


1 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Aug; 19(16): 9960. Published online 2022 Aug 12. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19169960


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About Provider Focus

Welcome to Provider Focus, our award-winning e-newsletter for network providers! Here you’ll find articles and information to keep you up-to-date on news and topics relevant to serving Magellan members, including a section for regional- and plan-specific news. Check back as a new issue is released each quarter.

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