Magellan Healthcare
Provider Focus Newsletter
News & information for Magellan network providers


Share these resources during Mental Health Month

Feel free to distribute to patients, family, friends and colleagues

As you are likely aware, more than one in five American adults was diagnosed with a mental health condition in 2021.1 Every year from 2015–2020, we have seen increases in mental illness, serious mental illness, suicidal ideation, serious psychological distress, illicit drug use and perceived unmet need for mental health services among U.S. adults.2

During May and throughout the year, Magellan is committed to increasing awareness about mental health, wellbeing, and the importance of recognizing and addressing concerns. We invite you to engage with us through our Mental Health Month resources, and share with your clients, patients, family, friends and colleagues.

Mental Health Month website

Visit for information and resources, including:

  • Campaign toolkit with tip sheets, flyers, posters, digital signs, coloring activities, infographics, Zoom backgrounds and more graphics (incluyendo recursos en español)
  • National mental health resources
  • Information on our collaboration with Inspiring My Generation and resources to get involved in its Encouragement Card Program to bring comfort and motivation to adults and youth hospitalized in mental health facilities

Additional resources


1 SAMHSA 2021 National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Adult Mental Health Tables

2 SAMHSA 2020 National Survey of Drug Use and Health Trend Tables and Adult Mental Health Trend Tables

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About Provider Focus

Welcome to Provider Focus, our award-winning e-newsletter for network providers! Here you’ll find articles and information to keep you up-to-date on news and topics relevant to serving Magellan members, including a section for regional- and plan-specific news. Check back as a new issue is released each quarter.

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